BMW 3 series E30Since 1983-1994 of releaseRepair and car operation |
BMW E30 + 1. The maintenance instruction + 2. Maintenance service + 3. The engine + 4. Cooling system + 5. Heating and ventilation + 6. Fuel system + 7. An exhaust system + 8. Transmissions + 9. Coupling + 10. Brake system + 11. A running gear + 12. A body + 13. An electric equipment - 14. A good advice 14.2. Changed numbers 14.3. Purchase of the old car or a mysterious set of figures and letters 14.4. Durability of the car 14.5. About parallelism of bridges of the car and the trailer 14.6. Preparation of the car for winter 14.7. A rule 35 14.8. A choice of the second-hand car 14.9. Engine oils 14.10. That it is necessary to know, changing oil 14.11. Occurrence in deposit oil 14.12. Whether it is possible to mix import oils? 14.13. "Eats" much, but silently goes 14.14. It is more likely live, than it is dead … 14.15. It is not got - a good advice 14.16. Visit to car-care centre 14.17. A gear belt for a mechanism drive газораспределения 14.18. Deterioration of pistons 14.19. Valves 14.20. Bearings of engines 14.21. Engine pollution 14.22. As the conditioner works and what to do, if it has failed 14.23. The conditioner: not only "pluses", but also "minuses" 14.24. Rules of service of the conditioner 14.25. It is not necessary to stir antifreeze with antifreeze … 14.26. That it is necessary to know at purchase of the air filter 14.27. An engine overheat 14.28. That it is necessary to know to the owner of the car with инжекторным the engine 14.29. The accumulator 14.30. Possible malfunctions of the storage battery 14.31. What to do with the failed generator 14.32. The belt is guilty, and we blame the generator 14.33. The catalyst 14.34. Three in one - or how to save the catalyst 14.35. Пробуксовочка 14.36. Features of operation of brake system 14.37. Malfunctions of brake system 14.38. Brake liquids 14.39. АБС: a natural choice 14.40. Wheel disks 14.41. We update wheel disks 14.42. The scheme of marks of an automobile tyre 14.43. Metal corrosion 14.44. An automake-up 14.45. What creaks? 14.46. The hatch 14.47. A safety pillow: troubles or pleasures? 14.48. We fit well? 14.49. Anticreeping "immunodeficiency" 14.50. Why headlights grow dull 14.51. "Галогенки" 14.52. About correct adjustment of headlights 14.53. The electric motor 14.54. From change of places "composed" varies nothing? |
14.45. What creaks?
One of the major indicators of comfortableness of the car – level of acoustic noise in salon. It is known that driving on newcomers, just from the conveyor, cars – if they without serious defects – first can give pleasure. But how this idyll is long? Any time after a vehicle, on a trope of readers, turns to a rattle. Sometimes – quickly enough, to 15-20 thousand kilometres of run. Differently, the active, much going motorist can face this sad fact, not "откатав" and year. The car grows old quickly. The stuffing of its salon – from mechanisms of seats, their upholstery, elements of furnish of doors and a ceiling to various a key, buttons, plastic рычажков, handles even faster decays. All it if to use formal terminology, wears out: driving on the car even on quite decent roads starts to be accompanied by extraneous noise. The motorist hears scratches, knocks and even grunting. In what an original cause of a sad metamorphosis? It is thought, possibility of regeneration of the car in a mobile noise orchestra, first of all, it is defined by culture of its designing – that name school. But schools as all of us understand, happen different. At the same time car transition in this condition can be accelerated to (be slowed down) by actions of the owner, and they, owners, too the different! One car protects, watches its each whim, another concerns it, as to the enemy who was taken prisoner. But we will return to designing school. Having removed an upholstery of a door old – "Saab", for example, – you will see every possible рычажки, draughts, ropes, etc. Details shaky, and are fixed they "simply" or "very simply"! It seems that the designer cared of that the mechanics did not jingle in day of sale of the car. One of the most widespread reasons of extraneous noise in salon – разбалтывание the connected details because of their vibrating deterioration. In mobile knots to it deterioration from mutual moving of details is added. Why, for example, there is "itch" of any decorative panel if it it is dense, is motionlessly connected to a body or door basis? In practice both the panel, and a basis vibrate, and is frequent – differently. Means, in their contact there are the vibrating movings which are wearing out a material. Further – a vicious circle: виброперемещения it is more – deterioration more, noise is stronger. The characteristic dust in contact places, traces mutual истирания can be the certificate of vibrating deterioration of some plastic details. Liquidate виброперемещения – deterioration will disappear. Vibrating movings of the details similar to internal decorative panels of doors, often it is possible to reduce to a minimum by means of additional fastenings, for example screws-samorezami. Happens, do differently: between the panel and a door establish a lining from foam rubber, foam rubber, latex – the materials well extinguishing vibration. As with it to struggle, it is already told. There is one more way which has been checked up by skilled motorists: the panel from its internal party paste over with an additional layer of a noise isolation – though an old blanket. Business labour-consuming, but dared at it it will be rewarded: knocks are suppressed almost completely. In general, when it is necessary to be at war with the noise caused by vibration of any panel, it is not necessary to concern it, as to business obviously simple, easy, especially, if vibration of the rigid panel nothing демпфируется (that is it is not extinguished). Here, even in addition strengthening its screws-samorezami, it is possible not to achieve desirable results, – having ceased to "itch" on one speed, the panel can give even more opposite vote on another. Use of soft linings usually gives a positive effect. It is so much times having mentioned "a vibration" word, not the sin to tell, about which there is a speech. Unfortunately, various details in salon, with the different sizes, weight, rigidity etc., have and "favourite" frequencies of vibration corresponding to them on which willingly respond "itch", постукиваниями, rustles, etc. Vibrations work of the engine, a transmission, transmission, rotation of wheels, at last, causes roughnesses of road. The spectrum of frequencies is so rich that any detail, having received illegal freedom to vibrate, "the" frequency will by all means find. It is necessary to limit this freedom anyhow. Any switch vibrates? Glue to it a thin strip of foam rubber or draw in additional пружинкой. Draught in a door jingles? Prop up its small pillow from this foam rubber... Or slightly tie up an elastic band to a door skeleton. Having glanced under the instrument panel, you will see a picture of full chaos: plaits of wires and separate wires, numerous electric sockets, ropes. Nearby devices, switches. There and then a collection ownerless boltikov-gaechek, got here even at car assemblage. All it jingles, clanks, especially, in the winter, when plaits of wires from a frost firm, as a stick and the same as it, beat on design details. That is why many motorists fill space under the panel of devices foam rubber or latex literally. By the way, amazing results are given by an additional noise isolation of a motor compartment and at the same time space under the instrument panel. Do it by means of a piece of the foam rubber pasted on a cardboard which put from pedals upwards to an edge "торпедо". It is clear that such "muffler" should be reliably fixed and not disturb to management. Noise in car salon in many respects speaks properties of the used materials. Unfortunately, often details carry out from plastic, unstable to deterioration, fragile etc. Naturally, "разбалтывание" the knot collected from them, can occur very soon. If details work in conditions at least a little the raised temperature, it is important, that they were not jarred on, did not take seat. In practice we see this process in any our car. Special version of noise – scratches. The scratch reasons can be the most different, but all of them unite an original cause – movement of one detail concerning another in the pressed condition and work of forces of a friction. Why, for example, not to begin to creak to an edge of the instrument panel if a door in the closed condition it is dense to it it is pressed? All body on roughnesses of road "breathes", details mutually move, causing a scratch. It if you manage to eliminate "illegal" contact will disappear. More often thus weaken an inhaling of fixing screws and displace the instrument panel, it is how much necessary. Springs of seats in places of contact to a skeleton have "противоскрипное" a covering. But its layer is fragile enough, it wears out. And here to you – a scratch. To eliminate it it is possible differently. One puts on a plastic tubule a spring, another reels up изоляционную a tape, the third greases with graphitic greasing. All the ways long frivolous enough – these measures suffice for a short while. Scratch in шарнирных connections is better it is eliminated by periodic application of graphitic greasing. One more version of a scratch – the extremely unpleasant sound arising at inclusion of the fan of a heater when the electric motor shaft rotates in plugs статора without greasing. Here an exit one – engine dismantling, clearing of a dirt and greasing completion. As we see, to get rid of a scratch it is possible two ways – or to eliminate mutual moving of densely pressed details, or to grease rubbing details. |