Check up corrosion presence on клеммных connections, cracks, or fastening easing.
At corrosion detection wash out the amazed place a water solution of baking soda. Grease plugs консистентной with greasing to prevent the further corrosion.
Tighten nuts of plugs, the excessive inhaling is not supposed.
Tighten скобу battery fastenings, the excessive inhaling is not supposed in order to avoid damage of the case of the battery.
The prevention Before battery service stop the engine and disconnect all electrodevices.
At check disconnect the battery from weight first of all, and connect to weight in last turn. Be careful of short circuit of the battery by the tool.
Exclude hit in the battery of a solution for washing.
Check of level of electrolit
The car is completed both served, and unattended batteries. The last have a brand in the top part (Maintenance Free), care of such batteries is not required.
On served batteries
Electrolit level should be between marks in the battery case. If the battery is equipped built in ареометром be guided by indications ареометра.
On unattended batteries
The battery condition is supervised on built in ареометру. |