BMW 3 series E30

Since 1983-1994 of release

Repair and car operation

+ 1. The maintenance instruction
+ 2. Maintenance service
+ 3. The engine
+ 4. Cooling system
+ 5. Heating and ventilation
+ 6. Fuel system
+ 7. An exhaust system
+ 8. Transmissions
- 9. Coupling
   9.2. Specifications
   9.3. Coupling check
   9.4. The main cylinder of coupling
   9.5. A coupling pedal
   9.6. The blocking switch of coupling
   9.7. The working cylinder of coupling
   9.8. Removal of air from a coupling hydrodrive
   9.9. Coupling details
   9.10. A kardannyj shaft
   9.11. Elastic муфта
   9.12. An average support
   9.13. Kardannye hinges
   9.14. The forward aligning plug
   9.15. The SHRUS карданного a shaft
   9.16. Semiaxes
   9.17. SHRUS and covers
   9.18. Epiploons of a reducer of a back axis
   9.19. A reducer of a back axis
   9.20. An epiploon of a leading gear wheel of a reducer
+ 10. Brake system
+ 11. A running gear
+ 12. A body
+ 13. An electric equipment
+ 14. A good advice

9. Coupling

9.1. Introduction


On cars from a manual transmission dry, one-disk coupling with диафрагменной a press spring and a hydrodrive is established. Depending on a design of the established flywheel in coupling 2 types of frictional disks are used. On a usual flat flywheel frictional disks with buffer and демпферными springs are established. Buffer springs are built in between frictional sections and intended for smoother inclusion of coupling. Dempfernye springs (гасители крутильных fluctuations, are strengthened on a disk nave) smooth the strong pulsations arising because of sharp changes of frequency of rotation коленвала. On a dual flywheel демпферные springs are built in in a flywheel.

Kardannyj shaft

The kardannyj shaft two-section, with an average support and sliding шлицевым connection, connects a back axis with a check point through 2 карданных the hinge. The shaft is connected to transmission through elastic муфту. On a part of cars between a flange of a shaft of a check point and муфтой it is established гаситель fluctuations. The forward part of a shaft is aligned with a flange of a check point by means of the plug.

The main transfer

The main transfer consists of differential (includes conducting and ring conducted gear wheels and also differential gear wheels) and flanges to which through SHRUS semiaxes fasten. Differential repair is carried out only in car-care centre.

Semiaxes and SHRUS

On each of semiaxes it is established on 2 SHRUS. The internal SHRUS fastens to flanges of differential bolts, the external SHRUS fastens on a nave of a back wheel a nut, навернутой on the carving termination шлицевой parts. SHRUS are filled by special greasing and closed by the covers which condition should be checked periodically. The external SHRUS varies complete with a semiaxis.