BMW 3 series E30

Since 1983-1994 of release

Repair and car operation

+ 1. The maintenance instruction
+ 2. Maintenance service
+ 3. The engine
+ 4. Cooling system
+ 5. Heating and ventilation
+ 6. Fuel system
+ 7. An exhaust system
+ 8. Transmissions
+ 9. Coupling
+ 10. Brake system
+ 11. A running gear
- 12. A body
   12.2. Vinyl furnish
   12.3. Repair of insignificant damages of a body
   12.4. Repair of considerable damages of a body
   12.5. Loops and locks
   12.6. A windscreen and motionless glasses
   12.7. A forward lattice
   12.8. A cowl
   12.9. Bumpers
   12.10. The internal panel of a door
   12.11. A door
   12.12. A cover of a luggage carrier / a cover of a back compartment
   12.13. The door lock, the drum-type switch of the lock and door handles
   12.14. Door glass
   12.15. Стеклоподъемник
   12.16. An external mirror
   12.17. A casing of a steering column
   12.18. Seats
   12.19. Check of seat belts
+ 13. An electric equipment
+ 14. A good advice

12.8. A cowl

The prevention

Work is carried out together.

Removal and installation

1. Open a cowl and outline contours of loops of a cowl and heads of bolts.
2. Disconnect from a cowl a hose of a washer and a wire on weight.
3. Remove скобу a finger of a rack of a cowl and remove a finger. Thus a cowl keep.
4. Keeping a cowl, serially turn away bolts of fastening of both loops to a cowl.
5. Remove a cowl.
6. Installation is carried out upside-down.


1. After installation it is necessary to adjust cowl position so that the cowl was densely closed, and the cowl surface was заподлицо with adjacent panels of a body. Outline bolts of a latch of a clamp of a cowl, release bolts and adjust latch position. Tighten bolts.
2. Cowl position is across regulated by its moving to cuts of loops at the released bolts. Having exposed a cowl so. That in a forward part it became level with wings, tighten bolts.
3. The back part of a cowl is regulated on height by lowering or a clamp raising at the released bolts (arrow).
4. Cowl adjustment in a cross-section direction is provided with moving roller directing at the released bolts (A). Directing should come into a clamp freely.
5. After cowl adjustment establish new height of buffers of a cowl (marksman), having turned on or having turned out them.
6. It is necessary to grease the mechanism of unlocking of a cowl periodically консистентной with greasing.